


Weld Neck Flanges are drilled(machined) with the wall thickness of the flange having the same dimensions of the matching pipe, the lighter the pipe is, the larger the bore, conversely, the heavier the pipe, the small the bore, they are normally used for highpressure, cold or hot temperature. 

Stainless Steel:

ASTM / ASME SA 182 F 304, 304L, 304H, 309H, 310H, 316, 316H, 316L, 316 LN, 317, 317L, 321, 321H, 347, 347 H. 

Duplex Steel:

ASTM / ASME SA 182 F 44, F 45, F51, F 53, F 55, F 60, F 61. 

Nickel Alloy

ASTM / ASME SB 564 UNS 2200 (NICKEL 200), UNS 4400 (MONEL 400), UNS 8825 INCONEL (825), UNS 6600 (INCONEL 600), UNS 6601 (INCONEL 601), UNS 6625 (INCONEL 625), UNS 10276 (HASTELLOY C 276)
ASTM / ASME SB 160 UNS 2201 (NICKEL 201 )
ASTM / ASME SB 472 UNS 8020 (ALLOY 20 / 20 CB 3)

Copper Alloy

ASTM / ASME SB 61 UNS NO. C 92200 & ASTM / ASME SB 62 UNS NO. C 83600.
ASTM / ASME SB 151 UNS NO. 70600, 71500, C 70600 ( CU -NI- 90/10), C 71500 ( CU -NI- 70/30)
ASTM / ASME SB 152 UNS NO C 10100, C 10200, C 10300, C 10800, C 12000, C 12200.

Carbon Steel

ASTM / ASME A 350 LF 2

Alloy Steel

ASTM / ASME A 182 GR F 5, F 9, F 11, F 12, F 22, F 91


Welding neck flange bores according ASME/ANSI B16.5-1996 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings - can be found in the table below:

Welding Neck Flange Bores
Nominal Pipe Size
Outside Diameter
Inside Diameter (inches)
Light Wall 1) Schedule 20 Schedule 30 Standard Wall Schedule 40 Schedule 60
1/2 0.840 0.674 - - 0.622 0.622 -
3/4 1.050 0.884 - - 0.824 0.824 -
1 1.315 1.097 - - 1.049 1.049 -
1 1/4 1.660 1.442 - - 1.380 1.380 -
1 1/2 1.900 1.682 - - 1.610 1.610 -
2 2.375 2.157 - - 2.067 2.067 -
2 1/2 2.875 2.635 - - 2.469 2.469 -
3 3.500 3.260 - - 3.068 3.068 -
3 1/2 4.000 3.760 - - 3.548 3.548 -
4 4.500 4.260 - - 4.026 4.026 -
5 5.563 5.295 - - 5.047 5.047 -
6 6.625 6.357 - - 6.065 6.065 -
8 8.625 8.329 8.125 8.071 7.981 7.981 7.813
10 10.750 10.420 10.250 10.136 10.020 10.020 9.750
12 12.750 12.390 12.250 12.090 12.000 11.938 11.626
14 14.000 13.500 13.376 13.250 13.250 13.124 12.812
16 16.000 15.500 15.376 15.250 15.250 15.000 14.688
18 18.000 17.500 17.376 17.124 17.250 16.876 16.500
20 20.000 19.500 19.250 19.000 19.250 18.812 18.376
24 24.000 23.500 23.250 22.876 23.250 22.624 22.062
30 30.000 29.376 29.000 28.750 29.250 - -
36 36.000 35.376 35.000 34.750 35.250 34.500 -
42 42.000 - - - 41.250 - -
48 48.000 - - - 47.250 - -

Welding Neck Flange Bores
Nominal Pipe Size
Outside Diameter
Inside Diameter (inches)
Extra Strong Schedule 80 Schedule 100 Schedule 120 Schedule 140 Schedule 160 Double Extra Strong
1/2 0.840 0.546 0.546 - - - 0.464 0.252
3/4 1.050 0.742 0.742 - - - 0.612 0.434
1 1.315 0.957 0.957 - - - 0.815 0.599
1 1/4 1.660 1.278 1.278 - - - 1.160 0.896
1 1/2 1.900 1.500 1.500 - - - 1.338 1.100
2 2.375 1.939 1.939 - - - 1.687 1.503
2 1/2 2.875 2.323 2.323 - - - 2.125 1.771
3 3.500 2.900 2.900 - - - 2.624 2.300
3 1/2 4.000 3.364 3.364 - - - - 2.728
4 4.500 3.826 3.826 - 3.624 - 3.438 3.152
5 5.563 4.813 4.813 - 4.563 - 4.313 4.063
6 6.625 5.761 5.761 - 5.501 - 5.187 4.897
8 8.625 7.625 7.625 7.437 7.187 7.001 6.813 6.875
10 10.750 9.750 9.562 9.312 9.062 8.750 8.500 8.750
12 12.750 11.750 11.374 11.062 10.750 10.500 10.126 10.750
14 14.000 13.000 12.500 12.124 11.814 11.500 11.188 -
16 16.000 15.000 14.312 13.938 13.564 13.124 12.812 -
18 18.000 17.000 16.124 15.688 15.250 14.876 14.438 -
20 20.000 19.000 17.938 17.438 17.000 16.500 16.062 -
24 24.000 23.000 21.562 20.938 20.376 19.876 19.312 -
30 30.000 29.000 - - - - - -
36 36.000 35.000 - - - - - -
42 42.000 41.000 - - - - - -
48 48.000 47.000 - - - - - -