


We are globally well renowned as the Best Quality Buttweld Fittings manufacturer in India. We cater an ample assortment of Buttweld Fittings which is incorporated using high technology machines. Our Buttweld Fittings are demanded by all due to their less maintenance, high tensile strength and excellent finish. High reliability and durability are the salient features of our Buttweld Fittings. We stand in the midst of predominant Buttweld Fittings suppliers in India. We deliver our Buttweld Fittings at very competitive prices and within the specified time.

Standards: ANSI - B 16.9
ASTM A403 - ASME SA403 - 'Standard Specification for Wrought Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping Fittings'
API 590-605
ASME B16.9 - 'Factory-Made Wrought Buttwelding Fittings''
ASME B16.25 - 'Buttwelding Ends'
ASME B16.28 - 'Wrought Steel Buttwelding Short Radius Elbows and Returns'
MSS SP-43 - 'Wrought and Fabricated Butt-Welding Fittings for Low Pressure, Corrosion Resistant Applications'
Schedule: Sch 5 TO Sch XXS.
Sizes: 1/2” TO 36”
(WELDED 8” TO 36” )
Materials: Monel, Nickel, Inconel, Hastalloy, Titanium, Tantalum, Stainless Steel, Alloy Steel, Carbon Steel, Cupro-Nickel 90/10 & 70/30
Stainless Steel ASME / ASTM SA / A403 SA / A 774 WP-S, WP-W, WP-WX, 304, 304L, 316, 316L, 304/304L,  316/316L, DIN 1.4301, DIN1.4306, DIN 1.4401, DIN 1.4404
Type: Butt Weld (BW) - straight cross, reducing cross
Thickness: Schedule 5S, 10S, 20S, S10, S20, S30, STD, 40S, S40, S60, XS, 80S, S80, S100, S120, S140, S160, XXS and etc.
Dimension: ANSI B16.9, ANSI B16.28, MSS-SP-43 Type A, MSS-SP-43 Type B, JIS B2312, JIS B2313



Nominal Diameter Outside Diameter Center to End
D1 D2
DN NPS Series A Series B Series A Series B C M
15×15 1/2×1/2 21.3 18 21.3 18 25 25
15×10 1/2×3/8 21.3 18 17.3 14 25 25
15×8 1/2×1/4 21.3 18 13.7 10 25 25
20×20 3/4×3/4 26.9 25 26.9 25 29 29
20×15 3/4×1/2 26.9 25 21.3 18 29 29
20×10 3/4×3/8 26.9 25 17.3 14 29 29
25×25 1×1 33.7 32 33.7 32 38 38
25×20 1×3/4 33.7 32 26.9 25 38 38
25×15 1×1/2 33.7 32 21.3 18 38 38
32×32 1.1/4×1.1/4 42.4 38 42.4 38 48 48
32×25 1.1/4×1 42.4 38 33.7 32 48 48
32×20 1.1/4×3/4 42.4 38 26.9 25 48 48
32×15 1.1/4×1/2 42.4 38 21.3 18 48 48
40×40 1.1/2×1.1/2 48.3 45 48.3 45 57 57
40×32 1.1/2×1.1/4 48.3 45 42.4 38 57 57
40×25 1.1/2×1 48.3 45 33.7 32 57 57
40×20 1.1/2×3/4 48.3 45 26.9 25 57 57
40×15 1.1/2×1/2 48.3 45 21.3 18 57 57
50×50 2×2 60.3 57 60.3 57 64 64
50×40 2×1.1/2 60.3 57 48.3 45 64 60
50×32 2×1.1/4 60.3 57 42.4 38 64 57
50×25 2×1 60.3 57 33.7 32 64 51
50×20 2×3/4 60.3 57 26.9 25 64 44
65×65 2/1/2×2.1/2 73.0 76 73.0 76 76 76
65×50 2/1/2×2 73.0 76 60.3 57 76 70
65×40 2/1/2×1.1/2 73.0 76 48.3 45 76 67
65×32 2/1/2×1.1/4 73.0 76 42.4 38 76 64
65×25 2/1/2×1 73.0 76 33.7 32 76 57
80×80 3×3 88.9 89 88.9 89 86 86
80×65 3×2.1/2 88.9 89 73.0 76 86 83
80×50 3×2 88.9 89 60.3 57 86 76
80×40 3×1.1/2 88.9 89 48.3 45 86 73
80×32 3×1.1/4 88.9 89 42.4 38 86 70
90×90 3.1/2×3.1/2 101.6 - 101.6 - 95 95
90×80 3.1/2×3 101.6 - 88.9 89 95 92
90×65 3.1/2×2.1/2 101.6 - 73.0 76 95 89
90×50 3.1/2×2 101.6 - 60.3 57 95 83
90×40 3.1/2×1.1/2 101.6 - 48.3 45 95 79
100×100 4×4 114.3 108 114.3 108 105 105
100×90 4×3.1/2 114.3 108 101.6 - 105 102
100×80 4×3 114.3 108 88.9 89 105 98
100×65 4×2.1/2 114.3 108 73.0 76 105 95
100×50 4×2 114.3 108 60.3 57 105 89
100×40 4×1.1/2 114.3 108 48.3 45 105 86
125×125 5×5 141.3 133 141.3 133 124 124
125×100 5×4 141.3 133 114.3 108 124 117
125×90 5×3.1/2 141.3 - 101.6 - 124 114
125×80 5×3 141.3 133 88.9 89 124 111
125×65 5×2.1.2 141.3 133 73.0 76 124 108
125×50 5×2 141.3 133 60.3 57 124 105
150×150 6×6 168.3 159 168.3 159 143 143
150×125 6×5 168.3 159 141.3 133 143 137
150×100 6×4 168.3 159 114.3 108 143 130
150×90 6×3.1/2 168.3 - 101.6 - 143 127
150×80 6×3 168.3 159 88.9 89 143 124
150×65 6×2.1/2 168.3 159 73.0 76 143 121
200×200 8×8 219.1 219 219.1 219 178 178
200×150 8×6 219.1 219 168.3 159 178 168
200×125 8×5 219.1 219 141.4 133 178 162
200×100 8×4 219.1 219 114.3 108 178 156
200×90 8×3.1/2 219.1 - 101.6 - 178 152
250×250 10×10 273.0 273 273.0 273 216 216
250×200 10×8 273.0 273 219.1 219 216 203
250×150 10×6 273.0 273 168.3 159 216 194
250×125 10×5 273.0 273 141.3 133 216 191
250×100 10×4 273.0 273 114.3 108 216 184
300×300 12×12 323.9 325 323.9 325 254 254
300×250 12×10 323.9 325 273.0 273 254 241
300×200 12×8 323.9 325 219.1 219 254 229
300×150 12×6 323.9 325 168.3 159 254 219
300×125 12×5 323.9 325 141.3 133 254 216
350×350 14×14 355.6 377 355.6 377 279 279
350×300 14×12 355.6 377 323.9 325 279 270
350×250 14×10 355.6 377 273.0 273 279 257
350×200 14×8 355.6 377 219.1 219 279 248
350×150 14×6 355.6 377 168.3 159 279 238
400×400 16×16 406.4 426 406.4 426 305 305
400×350 16×14 406.4 426 355.6 377 305 305
400×300 16×12 406.4 426 323.9 325 305 295
400×250 16×10 406.4 426 273.0 273 305 283
400×200 16×8 406.4 426 219.1 219 305 273
400×150 16×6 406.4 426 168.3 159 305 264
450×450 18×18 457 480 457 480 343 343
450×400 18×16 457 480 406.4 426 343 330
450×350 18×14 457 480 355.6 377 343 330
450×300 18×12 457 480 323.9 325 343 321
450×250 18×10 457 480 273.0 273 343 308
450×200 18×8 457 480 219.1 219 343 298
500×500 20×20 508 530 508 530 381 381
500×450 20×20 508 530 457 480 381 368
500×400 20×20 508 530 406.4 426 381 356
500×350 20×20 508 530 355.6 377 381 356
500×300 20×20 508 530 323.9 325 381 346
500×250 20×20 508 530 273.0 273 381 333
500×200 20×20 508 530 219.1 219 381 324